Dt Swiss
DT Swiss Star Ratchet Upgrade Kit Kit, 54 Tooth
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DT Swiss Star Ratchet Upgrade Kit Kit, 54 Tooth
No Colour / one size
Unit 9, Hills Hire Centre, Johnstown Rd, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Unit 9, Hills Hire Centre,Johnstown Rd,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin
Unit 9, Hills Hire Centre,Johnstown Rd,Dún Laoghaire,Co. Dublin
+3532840609urious as to why everyones wheels sound like a bee hive and your wheels don't? Odds are if you're running stock DT hubs you've got their not so impressive 18 point engagement ratchet on your hubs? Get yourself a 54 tooth Ratchet kit from DT swiss designed to improve this low engagement count and keep up with what all that buzz is about!
This DT Swiss 54t Ratchet kit works as a direct replacement and is super easy to install. Just remove the freehub body the parts you see here will be in there, grease up the new parts and re-assemble the hub. Boom! You've just significantly increased the engagement points on your hub. To give you a better idea of how this improves your ride think of the engagements in degrees of a circle, with the 18t you've got to move the cassette 20 degrees to reach the next engagement and with the 54t that knocks it down to 6.66 degrees! That's less than a 3rd the distance it needs to move to hit the next tooth! You may be wondering if you can really see the difference. Just pedal your bike around and keep the bike moving by using small pedal strokes and back-pedaling. You'll see there's going to be lot's of slop between engagements. Imagine if that "slop" was cut down to a third! I'm sure you can imagine that's a huge upgrade. So, if you weren't already completely convinced on the 54t ratchet kit I hope this is the turning point to getting one!